I live in the Los Angeles area
and our water was tested to be about 170 mg/L (about 10 grains per
gallon). We have some dark ceramic tiles in our bathroom and glass
doors, and my wife is interested in water conditioning or softening as our old
softener has died.
What do you think about the
salt-free water softeners, do those work? What is the main difference in
softening with a standard salt-based water softener as opposed to salt-free
I have 2.5 bathrooms, 3 bedroom, my wife and 3 kids. Can
I replace a traditional water softener system with a water conditioner and what
difference in performance should I see between the two systems?
Jack Smith
Los Angeles
Hello Jack,
you can remove a
traditional softener and replace it with a conditioner system. There
will be a
difference with the new system in that you will not feel the slippery
feeling present with the traditional softener. This is because the
hardness was not
removed but was crystallized.
You will have all the other
great advantages like cleaner fixtures, and pipes and water heaters free of
scale build-up. The additional advantage is that you will not have increased
sodium in the water, though you may experience a salty taste or slight odor in the
water for a short period of time after you remove your old softener if there
was a lot of build-up in the pipes
softeners use ion exchange
media to remove hardness. Calcium and magnesium ions from water attach
to the surface of the resin and are replaced with sodium ions. Softening
units require water for backwashing and use brine
“salt water” for regeneration, leading to added expenses including $200
to $400 per year for salt.
Within the Filtersorb
system, the water hardness is transformed into firm lime crystals
but is not physically removed. These microscopic crystals are brought
out of
solution, but the crystals cannot attach to pipes or appliances. There
is no
need for regeneration of the bed because the Filtersorb system works
like a
catalyst (the media is not used up in the process).
For your home we would recommend the medium sized 4.5
Liter system
System 1054 with 1 inch bypass and pipe connectors.
flow 15 gallons per minute.
Height 59.5 inch Depth 15.25 inch Width 10.75 inch.
4.5 liters of Filtersorb SP3 media.
Alternative to Conventional Water Softening: The Filtersorb SP3 media acts as a
catalyst by accelerating the transformation of the calcium and magnesium
minerals into harmless Nano particles.
the inlet water goes into the water conditioner tank, the Filtersorb SP3 media
acts as a catalyst and pulls the hardness minerals of calcium and magnesium out
of the solution and then transforms these minerals into inactive Nano crystal
the hardness minerals have been transformed into Nano particles, these
Nanoscopic particles make their way through plumbing systems without attaching
to pipes, fixtures, valves, or heating elements. The end result being
conditioned water with minerals, not “soft water” but water containing the same
mineral content as the source. "
Thanks, Jack, for the e-mail. We hope you find this information useful!